Thursday, August 30, 2012

Frenchy Caramel, Fried Chicken... And Wine

Barnier Salt Butter Caramel Lollipops. Yeah, they exist.

Best part is that I picked them up at a wine shop that also sold... fried chicken.

If you live in DC, Cork Market does a summer dinner right.


KSB said...

Yum! What more could a girl need? :)

Belle on Heels said...

I want to live in this shop., fried chicken, and French caramels...that sounds like my dream diet.

Prippy Handbook said...

Seriously... I could have a killer party in that place!

Navy Bean said...

Hi Tara, for some reason my comments aren't showing up on your blog!

Navy Bean said...

Oh, it worked! Let's try this again! Yum... this could be my favorite food combo!

About Last Weekend said...

Just having a good old catchup, how do you do this six by six montage thing?