Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Friendship Conference Call...

Do you have those friends who've known you forever... and when you get together, nothing really changes?

I'm lucky enough to have two beautiful friends in my life who've known me since kindergarten! And when I am around them, it is like we're getting ready for prom all over again. Silly doesn't begin to cover it... and we laugh more than we speak.

With the three of us living in DC, NYC, and Phoenix... we don't get to see each other as much as we all would like... but tonight we successfully had our first conference call for the three of us to catch up. And the call was a ball!

I can't wait for our next phone date. I'm curious, how do you stay in touch with your best buds?


Deanna (Silly Goose Farm) said...

Does stalking on Facebook count?

I kind of hate talking on the phone, which stinks because it's a good way to stay in touch. My usual go-to's are texting or Skyping... or just booking an impromptu trip to see them!

Prippy Handbook said...

Totes counts!

We need a marathon IM sesh soon :)