The first time I set eyes on a Sock Monkey, my mom was volunteering at the Wilmington Junior League White Elephant sale.
As a child, I was a stuffed animal enthusiast... and to be honest, the Sock Monkey had little appeal at first glance. After my fateful meeting with the Sock Monkey, I started noticing them in every nook and cranny of my friends' homes (next to mallards, in cooper pots, on top of Laura Ashley comforters).
What was with this semi-hideous looking "toy"? And why... oh why... did I now want one to love so desperately? Well, it's because Prippies love Sock Monkeys!
They're homemade, kind of boring, and made of used clothing. Prippies hate waste, are kind of boring, and like crafts, so it makes sense they would love a stuffed animal made out of a tweedy old sock!
On a trip to Target this afternoon, I was delighted to buy some Sock Monkey slippers. Nostalgia clearly kicked in. Let the love affair continue!
i love that stuffed animal sock monkey im getting one soon :P yea! <(") this is a penguin
i can see why your so attached to that monkey and slippers getting them for my daughter
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